Nguồn tham khảo Nhận dạng quang học chữ Braille

  1. Mennens, Jan; Tichelen, Luc van; François, Guido; Engelen, Jan J. (tháng 12 năm 1994). “Optical recognition of Braille using standard equipment”. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering 2 (4): 207–212. ISSN 1063-6528. doi:10.1109/86.340878
  2. Dubus, J.P.; Benjelloun, M.; Devlaminck, V.; Wauquier, F.; Altmayer, P. (tháng 11 năm 1988). Image processing techniques to perform an autonomous system to translate relief braille into black-ink, called: Lectobraille. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE 4 (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society). tr. 1584–1585. ISBN 978-0-7803-0785-8. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.1988.94726
  3. Wong, Lisa; Abdulla, Waleed; Hussman, Stephan (tháng 8 năm 2004). A software algorithm prototype for optical recognition of embossed Braille. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. tr. 586–589. ISBN 978-0-7695-2128-2. ISSN 1051-4651. doi:10.1109/ICPR.2004.1334316
  4. Ng, C.; Ng, V.; Lau, Y. (tháng 9 năm 1999). Regular feature extraction for the recognition of braille. Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications. tr. 302–306. ISBN 978-0-7695-0300-4. doi:10.1109/ICCIMA.1999.798547
  5. Murray, I.; Dias, T. (2001). A portable device for optically recognizing Braille. The Seventh Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference. tr. 302–306. ISBN 978-1-74052-061-4. doi:10.1109/ANZIIS.2001.974063
  6. Al-Saleh, Amany; El-Zaart, Ali; Al-Salman, Abdul Malik (2011). “Dot detection of Braille images using a mixture of beta distributions”. Journal of Computer Science 7 (11): 1749–1759. ISSN 1549-3636. doi:10.3844/jcssp.2011.1749.1759
  7. 1 2 Antonacopoulos, A.; Bridson, D. (2004). A Robust Braille Recognition System. Document Analysis Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science VI. tr. 533–545. ISBN 978-3-540-23060-1. ISSN 0302-9743. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-28640-0_50